Saturday, June 18, 2011

Log Cabin Take Two

I wanted easy knitting to do while watching TV last night so I finished another square for my Log Cabin Blanket.  My Breezy cardigan is coming along but when you are knitting with thin yarn you need to pay more attention to what you are doing.

This is colour 258.

With the arrival of the new colours last week I have become very motivated to get this blanket done.  Okay, I really want to knit with the new colours and this is a good excuse.

Here are my squares so far.

The pattern is a free download on Ravelry.

If you are looking for an easy summer project I highly recommend the afghan.  You can throw one ball in your purse and you have mindless knitting while watching the kids play their summer sport or on the drive to the cottage.

Jane stopped in this morning to pick up yarn.  She is knitting me a super secret garment that I can't talk about yet.  I took a picture of the finished garment at TNNA and here is a small piece of it.

Hopefully Jane will share pictures as her knitting grows.

It is a beautiful day in Southern Ontario.  I hope it is this nice on Monday-maybe we can get in a round of golf.

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