Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Blame it on Beth

That was one big storm last night.  I was asleep (didn't hear a thing) when Melo came and jumped on me. I thought that he wanted out until I heard the noise.  You can blame it all on Beth.  She is in charge of putting out the recycling and garbage.  Normally she does it on the morning it is being picked up but she decided to do it last night.  Her comment was "it is nice out so nothing will get blown around".  HA! After the storm we went outside and there was water bottles, pop cans, newspapers.... everywhere.

My parents are in charge of the flags that fly out front of the store.  I don't know how long ago this started but they have fun in Myrtle Beach picking out the next set of flags.  They know all the stores to go to and where to get the best deals.  They bought this one because they said it was made for me.  The wind was blowing when I took the picture and the flag kept moving.  It says 'shop til you drop' and 'born to shop'.

We are leaving early tomorrow morning for Columbus.  I will try my best to post from the show.  Maybe I can get a few pictures as well.  We aren't supposed to take pictures on the show floor but many of the companies are more than happy to let people take pictures for blogs and newsletters.

A newsletter went out today.  This weekend is Heritage Days in Ancaster.  Wilson Street will be closed for a bit and the newsletter contains information on it.  If you are planning a trip to the store on Saturday please take a minute to read it.

My Rock Island shawl is sitting beside me begging for me to sew in the ends.  If I am going to wear it on the weekend then I had better get to it.

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