Friday, March 04, 2011


I just sent out another newsletter-we are trying something different. This week I met with someone on marketing and he suggested not making the newsletters so long.  Just feature one item.  Kind of like the Coach emails that I receive.  :)  I would like your feedback.

If you didn't receive the newsletter here is a link to it.

Would you rather see a short email like the one I just sent out or do you like the old format??

I picked up my knitting again last night.  A trip to the chiropractor yesterday and my shoulder/neck was feeling better.

I originally thought that I would be working with 5mm needles but I decided to go with 5.5mm.  This helps make the rows go faster!!

As you can see there will definitely need to be some blocking done when I have finished knitting.

The last few days have also been spent on the website.  On the Featured Patterns page I have started adding categories for certain yarns (i.e. Classic Elite Liberty, Spud & Chloe Fine, Sirdar Baby Bamboo).  This will make it easier for you to find patterns for the yarns that you love.

Thank goodness we had taped American Idol last night.  They could have told me the 13 contestants in 10 minutes, 15 tops.  The producers were so lucky to have had Jennifer's new video when the judges couldn't make up their mind on who to send home.  :)  The first five men where how I wanted it to go.  My judge's choice would have been Robbie.  The only woman that didn't make it that I liked was Lauren Turner.  It should be a great season.


  1. I enjoy the old format. I like having stuff to browse on the side, reminding me what events are coming up, and checking out a variety of things in the body of the newsletter :)

  2. Thanks for taking the time to answer. I will be interested in seeing what others have to say. I have a feeling they are going to say old style as well. :)

  3. I like the old format

  4. I like the new format - it has a fresh look and it's quick and easy to read. I think shorter emails more frequently would be effective.

  5. I just wrote an article about this, how the push is to keep newsletters shorter and focus on just one thing. I'm not terribly convinced this is right for everyone though. If you were putting out a newsletter every week, then yes, I think it would make more sense to do one subject at a time, but I like having a bit more to read through every few weeks or so.

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I prefer the old format. I always read everything.
