Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, February 21, 2011

Horribly wrong pattern

I did knit late into the night or maybe I should say morning.  It was 2am when I went to bed.  After watching The Amazing Race Beth and I pulled out our box set of The West Wing.  We have seasons 1-3 to watch.

Two of my teams did well on The Amazing Race and the other is totally lost.  The episode is continued to next week and the one team might not get the task done.  They are so lost.

The knitting on Wild Saffron is done.  It took some major thinking to do the shoulder shaping.  Unfortunately the pattern was terribly wrong. One shoulder had 79 stitches and the other shoulder had 59 stitches. Not good. I centered the neck stitches and marked them.  Then I worked each side of the shoulders.  Now I need to sew the shoulders to do the neck band and armhole bands.  It should be blocked before I do the sewing but I want to make sure that the shaping works.  Once the sewing is done and I am sure that it fits I will block.  Okay, I might wear it tomorrow if all is good before blocking.

For Christmas last year Bev gave Beth a backup system for her computer called clickfree.  It is a small drive that you plug into your computer and it backs up everything.  I wanted one but you can only use it on a Mac or a PC.  A new one just came out that will work on both systems.  I did my PC earlier today and then started on my Mac.  The backup took forever (6 hours).  I didn't want to do anything while the backup was happening.  It is finally done so that I can get my post finished.

Here is a close up of my sweater.

I won't be wearing it tomorrow-the sewing isn't done.  Beth went with my parents to the movies and I stayed home with the dogs.  I am not a big movie person so it wasn't a hardship.  Melo got himself upset and was shaking like crazy.  We laid in my bed and watched TV until Beth came home. Now he is fine.  Silly dog missed his mom.

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