Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, January 01, 2011

On our way

Happy New Year!!

Beth and I are sitting on the plane. Row 30. Window and middle seat. I booked two aisles but some how Air Canada messed that up. Our flight is full so we had no choice but to take the seats - or stay at home. I have been knitting for the past few hours. Yes, knitting on an airplane. No one has even looked twice at my needles. We are just going over the Grand Canyon which makes for turbulence. The knitting is set aside. Our movie is done (The Social Network) so I pulled out the iPad so we could listen to music. Of course there is only one set of headphones so we are sharing.

Beth is reading over my shoulder. She wanted me to tell you how good she is being!!!!

Any minute we will be flying over Lake Las Vegas and the Hoover Dam which means we are here.

We are now in our room at The Mirage. The room wasn't ready when we got here so we played a bit of Jackpot Party and then lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. I don't have time for pictures-Beth is crying that she wants to go downstairs.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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