Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, January 24, 2011

A bit of spring for a cold day

It is almost going home time and I am just starting my post.  Most of my day was spent working on the website.  I am on a mission to get it as current as possible.  Korey has a huge to-do list and hopefully will  get his work done this week.

I worked a bit on the Featured Patterns page. Korey and I keep playing with this trying to make it easy for you to navigate. There are still a few ideas that we are kicking around but everything can't happen overnight. We had a category called Blue Sky Alpacas and I have divided that into the different Blue Sky yarns that we carry. Same for Spud & Chloe, Noro and Sirdar.

Rowan 49 arrived today and I have it on the website.

I have it packed in my bag so that I can go through it thoroughly tonight with a cup of tea.

After work I visited my chiropractor and then came home to have my dinner-Beth had it ready for me.  :)

Here are a few more pictures of garments from the magazine

Ghost (the open texture swing) knit in Siena 4ply cotton.
I like the flare in bottom of the sweater and sleeves. There is a slight variation in the stitch pattern-no changing needle size or decreasing the number of stitches.

Pimpernel (the mesh hankerchief) from Martin Storey knit in Kidsilk Haze

Another small shipment of Triana arrived today-more of colour 46 Violet.  I have been told by my distributor that all the colours should be here within the next two weeks.

Beth and I are totally up to date with the Y&R right now. Sharon arrested for murdering Skye.  Beautiful.  We think that Jack and Adam are going to work together to get Victor. Will the Evil One finally get his?  It is time to move upstairs and watch today's episode and get some knitting done.

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