Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ski Jacket

Our morning started out with a bit of fun-no electricity in our hotel. Putting on make up was a bit of a challenge. Luckily there is a mirror right beside the window. Just as we were walking out the door it came back on.

We headed over to the casino for breakfast. The plan for the day was going to the aquarium but I didn't want another day of driving. We found out that the drive was only 15 minutes so off we went. Before we left home Beth threw our ski jackets in the car. Thank goodness. It was really, really cold. Most of the aquarium was outside and the wind was blowing. My car said it was 50 out but it was lying. It couldn't have been above 40. I had on a turtle neck, fleece vest, ski jacket and scarf and was freezing!!! I'm glad we took the time to go. The first thing inside the door was the Beluga whales. There are lots of pictures on my camera and I will add to a post on Friday. From the whales we moved to sting rays (Beth touched them but I wouldn't), big sea lions (I can't remember the type), black footed penguins, California sea lions and then back to the Beluga whales to see them being fed. Finally we could go inside to see fish and sharks. Beth pet a shark but I wouldn't do that.

The plans for pizza in Mystic were cancelled. I was so cold that I just wanted to head back to the hotel. We will definitely be coming back and the pizza will be saved for that trip.

Right now we are having a rest before heading back to the casino-Jackpot Party is calling for me.

The drive home will start early in the morning. That long boring drive home. There will be lots of TV to catch up on when we get back to Ancaster.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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