Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Part one done

We planned on being on the road by 5 but I didn't get home from the store until 4:45. There was still some packing to do-Beth did my laundry while I was at work.

The first part of our drive took longer than expected but we made it to our hotel. Three stops really slows down a trip.

The drive was extremely boring. Absolutely nothing to see. No billboards. Very few towns. We had the road to ourselves. I'm not sure where everyone was tonight.

I didn't really expect our hotel to have WiFi but pulled out my iPad just in case. Who knew that a Super 8 would have free Internet?

I'm very tired so it is time to say good night. We want to be on the road early-Foxwoods is waiting for us!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Amsterdam,United States

1 comment:

  1. In my albeit limited travels, I've found that the less expensive hotels have better wifi access.

    Have fun!!
