Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, October 24, 2010

We'll be back next year

We had a great time in Woodstock yesterday.  It is always a nice day when you get to see old friends and meet new people.  Jane, Beth and I were there at 6am to unload and set up the booth.  The show had volunteers to help bring our goods in which helped in a huge way.  We had one major glitch while setting up.  In order to get hydro to all the booths they needed electrical boards throughout the show floor and I ended up with one in my booth.  It was sitting on a table the size of a card table which doesn't sound big but when the booth was planned to the inch it threw the plans out the window and we had to start again.  The booth was set up by opening at 8:30 (there was no time to spare) and the people started shopping.

I love the new ruffles yarn so my scarf and Jane's scarf hung in the front of the booth. Jane demonstrated how to knit the yarn and before 11 all the yarn was gone.  I wish someone would have told me that it was going to sell so well-I would have had more with me.  :)

We quickly rearranged the booth and brought something else to the front.  Lynda knit me another linen stitch scarf last week in Prism Saki.  Instead of using three different colours we did the scarf in just one colour of hand dyed yarn.

I really like the finished effect.

Of course I didn't think to take the camera out and get pictures before we were open so the next best thing was to use my phone during the day.

Here are a few more pictures of the booth.

The really cool thing at the show as outside. Local farmers brought llamas, alpacas and a sheep to display.

The baby alpaca was so cute-Beth wanted to bring him home.  Can you see the dogs running in our yard with a baby alpaca?

The show closed about half an hour early so we were on the road home by 5:30. When we got home I had a bath and then an hour nap before Beth ordered pizza. The baseball game was on so after my pizza I laid in bed to watch. Of course I fell asleep and didn't know the outcome until this morning. Do you know what happens when you go to bed early? You wake up early. I was wide awake at 4am again this morning. Seriously. Why?? I slept on and off until 9 and then gave up. Now the decision is if we should unload the van today or wait until tomorrow.

It is a couple hours later and I forgot to hit post.  We decided to unload the van and now it is time to watch football and knit.  I am working on Dryad.  It really is time to get this done!!

1 comment:

  1. The show looks productive and fun. Yes, the alpacas are precious!
