Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thank you Knitter's

Knitter's Magazine is now available in print and digital format.  I am so happy.  I don't have a lot of time to sit and read knitting magazines but now I can download them and read them while travelling.

After reading this last night I immediately downloaded the magazine onto my iPad.  Oh yeah, the great people at XRX are giving us the first issue for free.

Read a letter from the CEO of XRX

The print is very clear on my iPad and the pictures look great.  I have picked out something that I need and then a few very cool garments. When you get your issue take a look at Silver Plumes. It is knit in Stuff from Prism.  I think it might be something nice to have to wear at TNNA in January.

I started on my Chickadee Cowl yesterday afternoon. I could hear Wannietta yelling to use Freesia so I went with her. The Merino 12 is a dream to knit with. The cowl was sitting on the kitchen counter last night and Beth picked it up. She commented on how soft the yarn was-she thought it would be harsher because the yarn is so thick.

Beth wasn't feeling well today so I offered to go grocery shopping after work. Whatever she wanted for dinner I was willing to get.  Of course she wanted something that isn't available at the grocery store near my house.  It is only available at the grocery store on the other side of town.  Me being a good sister made the drive and now she is a bit happier.

After dinner I finished and paid my HST.  The government will be happy with me.

It is so cold in our house (there is no way the heat is going on yet) that we have the fireplace on.  It makes me want to go to sleep.  I think I will go upstairs and snuggle up in front of the TV.


  1. Yay, for not having the furnace on yet!
    My criteria is that it has to drop to 58 F, in the house, and if it comes on by itself, then its a go.

  2. Julie,

    Thanks for the tip. I'm all about downloading magazines, saves space!

