Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Surprises from addi

I have been promising finished pictures of my linen stitch scarf for a week now.  It still isn't done.  I am in a minor knitting funk which I hope I am out of.  I worked most of today on the scarf and have about four rows to go.

Survivor last night was awesome. Marty thinks he is so smart.  How much longer before they vote him out?  Why are people so confident on this show? And then there was Hell's Kitchen.  People still can't make scallops and risotto.  Come on.  Shouldn't you know how to make these before you go on the show?

Today's boxes included a shipment from Skacel with new products from addi.

Swing Crochet Hooks
If you enjoy crochet, this is your lucky day! skacel and addi are extremely proud to announce their newest line of crochet hooks, the addi Swing. Developed with comfort in mind, the handle is constructed of two plastics: one colorful and soft, and the other, white and firm. The two balance each other perfectly for just the right amount of flexibility. The handle warms quickly to the temperature of your skin and is precisely contoured to rest comfortably in your hand, thus eliminating pressure points. In fact, the Swing hook feels so good, those who don’t crochet, will want to learn. To top it off (literally), is the classic addi Turbo hook that slides easily in and out of stitches. All the hooks are color coded by size, and the metric size is boldly printed on the handle. No “readers” needed for this one!
I can already hear the phone ringing-a call from my mom telling me that she wants every size available.

The other product was very unexpected.
The addi Bamboo Click system provides 8 different sizes of addi Bamboo tips (3.5mm, 3.75mm, 4.0mm, 4.5mm, 5.0mm, 5.5mm, 6.0mm, and 8.0mm), three different lengths of our new, extremely pliable blue cord (24”, 32” and 40”), and one connector piece which helps to either store stitches or combine your cords. TheClick tips require no tools to change; simply insert the cord deep into the tip, twist and release. The tips will remain secure until you change them, thanks to the Click’s revolutionary locking mechanism!
 I am on my way home to drop off my computer and then onto the nail salon.  Nothing makes me feel better than pretty nails.

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