Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, October 04, 2010

No one was hurt

It is now Monday afternoon.  I don't know how long it has been since I missed two days doing posts.  Here is what was started and never finished with some new content added.

From Sunday:
I didn't even start a blog post yesterday.  We were up at 3am to watch the golf.  I relaxed until 5am and then started a new scarf.  Hopefully it will be done tomorrow and then I will add a picture.  It doesn't look like much on the needles.  Cathy opened the store yesterday and I got to work around 10:30. It was busy all day-there is no sitting around while Cathy is there.  :)  We straightened shelves and made lists of yarns we need to reorder.  After work we had Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Rene's.  Turkey dinner and spending time with family is a great way to spend a Saturday night.  I couldn't go to bed when we got home (needed to let the turkey rest) so we watched an episode of Grey's.  Okay, it was supposed to be one but it turned into three. At midnight I was finally in bed.  That made for a very long day.  This morning started at 4am.  It felt like sleeping in.  The golf was delayed by rain again so I went back to sleep until 8.  For some reason I have a migraine today-is it the rain or lack of sleep?

Added today:
After the golf was finished yesterday it was time for football.  I slept though most of the afternoon and woke up when mom and dad came over.  They left for Myrtle Beach this morning and had a few things to pick up.  Beth and I ate dinner, watched a few episodes of Grey's and the Amazing Race and then went to bed.

This morning was another early morning.  4am again. I almost finished my scarf.  One skein of Tosh Sock in colour Well Water on 4mm needles.  I chose Ebony Lantern Moon for this project and it was a good choice. The yarn slides nicely on the needles and the needles have good points.

Pogona is designed by Stephen West.

I have a hard time wearing some of the scarves that I knit because the top edge is straight.  I think that the curved edge on this scarf will sit much better on me.

You can purchase the pattern on Ravelry.

I will be talking more about Stephen in my next Shawls Newsletter (hopefully by the end of this week)
At 10:30 the golf was done and then I started my chores. One of these was getting Jane her lunch.  As I was in the drive thru at Tim's she called me with a small problem.  No one was hurt but a customer's car went through the fence at the store.

This took some time calling the dealership, insurance company, road side assistance and the police before the tow truck came to remove the car.

When I got home there were some chores to do for Beth. Those are done and now I can finish my post.  My next job should be the pile of accounting sitting in front of me but I think that a nap sounds like a good idea. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the shades of blue in the blue scarf. Sad about the car and the fence meeting, but good no one was hurt.
