Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Ruffles

My store is a mess again.  There are boxes and garbage bags everywhere of yarn, books and kits for Woodstock.  Normally when we do a show we get to set up on Friday night.  Then I come home and can get together anything that I forgot.  Not this show, we are setting up on Saturday morning.  This makes me very anxious.  I can't forget anything!!

I got home from work about half an hour ago and was in a very good mood. Not so much now. My post was started in the store and I just finished it. Blogger didn't want to cooperate and everything written since I got home is lost. Let's start again.

I was late leaving the store (got home around 7:15) because I wanted to get everything in order to pack the van tomorrow.  Since getting home I have started dinner, put in a load of laundry, tidied my room and packed a box for the post office.  When I am done writing my work day will officially be done and I can move to the couch.

Three different ladies called me today looking for a Katia yarn called Ondas.  This is another yarn for making ruffled scarves.  If that many people call in one day then I had better get it into the store.  An order has been placed and I hope to have the yarn on Tuesday.

The order was done over an hour ago and now I forget the exact colours I requested.  I think that this was one of them.

Of course I ordered purple.

If I can remember correctly there were seven colours in the order.

There hasn't been much knitting for me the last few days.  None of my projects were calling to me but when tidying my room I found Dryad. My knitting world is all good again and I am going to knit some cables.


  1. Ooooh! I like this one!

  2. Gorgeous Yarn! and scarf! where did you find the pattern for the ruffled scarf?

  3. The pattern is from Katia and comes in the bags of yarn.
