Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What did we do before phones?

Guess who called me yesterday afternoon. Yes, my dad. From the cruise ship. That isn't going to cost them very much money. :) He needs to check in every day just to make sure that we are okay.  They spent the day in Glacier Bay.  Mom was just going into her afternoon quilting session (remember that they are four hours behind us) after a great morning class.  Dad spent the morning on deck.  He said the weather was beautiful and he was enjoying the scenery.

Jordana Paige tweeted that she received the red and green L.J. Kaelms samples and will be photographing them soon. I decided to take a look at her blog and there was a picture of the teal blue bag. I think I will definitely need one of these.

All door prizes are done for Camp. Now to start on the goodie bags.

I think that I have made kits for everything in the fashion show. Now I need to pack yarn, books, shawl pins and bags.  I try very hard not to pack too much but it never works.  I can already hear Beth complaining when we start to load the van.  "Do you really need all of this?"

We were up very late watching TV last night.  First we watched Survivor.  It is going to be an interesting season.  Over 40 versus under 30.  Then the season finale of Master Chef.  I was so happy that Whitney won.  I picked her the very first show and she did it.  Thank goodness we had taped the finale of Big Brother.  What a long, boring, drawn out show.  There was a lot of fast forwarding going on.  Then they take it to the last minute to announce the winner and we don't even get to hear from Hayden.

I do have some knitting to report.  I am back working on Wild Saffron. The back is almost complete but I need to make sure that the armholes are deep enough before I cast off. On the front I just started into the yoke pattern. There is still a chance that I will get it finished by the end of next week. A little person on my shoulder is asking 'in which lifetime?'

A box of yarn just arrived from Prism. Saki (sock yarn) that I use for the Ruffles Scarf kit.  Very pretty!!  My afternoon will be spent making up some more kits.

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