Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, September 27, 2010

They're Here

While I was away a shipment arrived from Offhand Designs. The new Scottie Bags are in.  I kept looking at the bags and wondering why they are a little different than I thought they would be.  The leather handle is missing.  I checked on the Offhand site and the pictures do not show a handle. Am I crazy?  I would swear they were going to have a handle.  I looked back at my blog pictures and there was a handle.

Practically Perfect 
I called Larissa and asked what was going on.  She was quite upset.  The leather handles wouldn't work.  She has a sample sale in her studio once a year and sold off the original bags with the handles.  They were all returned because the handles kept falling off.  She has tried everything but no go.

Some store owners were giving her grief about the change.  I can't get upset about that.  I would rather have good quality bags than bags that you are going to bring back to me with a problem.

Now that I have my bag (in Practically Perfect) I realize that the leather handle might not have been a good idea.  The bag hangs perfectly at my side and I think that the handle might not sit nicely.

The other thing that my bags are missing is the button on the front.  She was rushing to get my bags mailed out and then they decided to add this design element.  It helps to open the bag but isn't necessary.  All future bags will have the button and if you want a bag (with the button) then I can get one for you.

Chim Chim Cheree 
There was a total of six fabrics in the order.  The four new fabrics are pictured and then we have two of last years fabrics in the new style-Judy and Madeleine.

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