Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sleepy Sunday afternoon

I just received an email from Namaste and wanted to pass the news along. We still have all colours in stock.

I think that everything is now packed for Camp. The only thing left is the garments and I don't want to pack them too early. If they are folded in boxes then they could end up creased.

My job today (while watching football) will be to start working on goodie bags and welcome packages.  That is if I can stay awake.  Mom and dad arrived home at 1:30 this morning.  They called so that we knew that they made it home safely.  I did get back to sleep but was up again before 6.  Beth and Cathy were off to a show in Barrie and it was my job to make sure that Beth hauled her butt out of bed.  She is very partial to sleep!!  The dogs then came to bed with me but Roko wouldn't settle down.  I think there might be an afternoon nap in my very near future.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Afternoon naps are so sweet. You've inspired me.
