Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's almost here

I sat down yesterday and again last night to write a post but it wasn't working. There are too many lists running through my head and every time I read what I wrote I erased it.  Before I knew it the clock said 11pm and I knew I had better turn the computer off for the night.

It's just one more sleep until Camp.  Everything is set at the Resort.  I think I have everything packed.  I picked up the most important thing last night-the wine for Saturday night.  My last chore is name tags and they are proving harder than I thought.  I can't get them to print properly but I won't let it beat me!!

Here is a picture of where I will be staying.  Maple Cottage.  I am adding this now because once we get there it will not be this neat.  But wait, it might be because the Neat Freak is staying with Beth and I.  :)

This is looking from the lake onto the building where classes will be held.

I am adding some pictures now for a couple of reasons.
-I will forget to take pictures once we get there
-it is going to rain on Thursday and Friday.  Did you know that it has rained on the Friday of Camp every year that we have held it?  Every year.  Doesn't matter what month.

I keep walking around the store thinking of more things that could be packed. NO MORE!! So then I thought it might be an idea to start a newsletter. Unfortunately my mind is not feeling creative today (okay it normally isn't creative but today is even worse) so that idea is out.

I would like to start loading the van but it is pouring rain out.  The power keeps going off in the store as well.

We received a shipment from Sirdar last week but I didn't get to posting any pictures of a new book.  You know I like pictures in my posts.

Jack-in-a-box Knits from Sirdar for Baby Bamboo.

Extremely cute garments for boys and girls.

I am anxiously awaiting Ms. Canada Post.  Hopefully she will have two very important boxes for me.  One from Lynda with my coat and the other from Offhand Designs with the new bags.

The rain has stopped so I am continuing my job of loading the van.  On days like today I wish I could wiggle my nose and it all be moved for me.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to come to camp to watch and sleep. oh and wine.
