Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unexpected Evening

Last night I did something that I haven't done in a long time-went to see a movie.  Beth, Lynda and I talked about a movie on Friday night and Lynda suggested Silver City in Oakville.  They have VIP theatres. These are over 19 (meaning you can get a drink) with very comfy large leather seats.  Beth and I bought the tickets online and then you can reserve your seats.  Amazing.  And it wasn't much more than the regular price for seeing a movie.

I chose The Expendables.  It took absolutely no brain cells.  I could sit for two hours and not think about work or knitting or Tent Sale or Knitter's Fair or Knitting Camp.  Perfect.  Not a Chick Flick but was perfect for me.  I'm not sure I can recommend the movie but there were a few laughs and I didn't fall asleep.

I am going to continue working on Malthese this afternoon while watching golf.  A few more rows and the first part of the border is done.  After finishing the chart I do a purl row and then repeat the chart reversing the colours.


  1. It's looking really beautiful Julie!!

  2. All I can say us WOW! Wish I could knit like that. :D
