Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Post-take two

We just finished dinner and Beth is watching her movie with subtitles.  I decided to use this time to finish a blog post that I started this morning.  I finished it alright-with the delete key-that is the reason they tell you to write something and then reread it the next day before posting.

On Friday a shipment came in from JUL.  The box included shawl pins, buttons and purse hardware.  Here are a couple of the shawl pins we received.

The shawl pins and buttons are made in Indonesia.

This is one of my favourite-I have it in my collection of shawl pins.

The fall Rowan should be arriving this week!!  I am very excited.  Here are some pictures from the new Purelife Autumn magazine.  Okay, I can't upload the pictures right now.  Blogger is having one of its temper tantrums.  Now I will have some pretty pictures for tomorrow.

It is almost time for Big Brother.  Of course I am watching it this summer.  Why make an alliance the first week?  This always comes back to bite you.  And a showmance the first week.  That didn't take long!!  I'm off to knit.  Seven flowers are now complete on my Malthese.

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