Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Rowan

The weather today is much better.  The back door is open and the dogs are running around outside.

I am sitting at the breakfast bar, watching the Nascar race and working on the website.  On the Featured Patterns page I have been adding garments from Rowan 48.  This shows the yarn used and the quantities required.

As you can tell I am very excited about this book.  We are getting back to the roots of Rowan.  Lots of colour and texture.

Drifter designed by Erika Knight knit in Cocoon.

There are a lot of designs for men in the new book.  The great thing about these designs is that a woman could easily wear them as well.
Trekker.  A great Martin Storey design in Felted Tweed Chunky.

In Rowan 48 there is an interview with Martin Storey. He talks about his upcoming book Nordic Knits which should be available in October.

Felted Tweed Chunky was introduced last year but there was only one pattern for the yarn. This fall we have many great patterns using it.

Here is Explorer from Erika Knight.
Marie Wallin's Hobo in Felted Tweed Chunky.

Roamer (Marie Wallin in Felted Tweed Chunky) - The more I look at this the more I like it.

Lynda and Rhonda-please get your sweaters done quickly because I need some sweaters from the new books.

I am going to continue adding patterns this week while I am in the store.  There are still garments from Winter Drift and Purelife Autumn to be added.

My fingers are itching to get back to knitting but I think there might be a nap in the near future.  Last night was very late.  Knitting and catching up on TV-mostly the Y&R.  Cricket is back and is annoying as always.  Sorry-I have never been a fan of Cricket.

Very excited about Big Brother tonight.  Who is going to win HOH?  I still haven't decided who I want to win.  Every time I think that I have picked a person to root for they do or say something that changes my mind.

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