Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, July 26, 2010

More Christel Seyfarth kits

It is another beautiful day outside and for a while it looked like there would be golf in the near future.  Unfortunately Beth has two shipments arriving today (one from New Zealand and the other from England) so she has to be in the warehouse to meet the trucks.

My morning is scheduled with errands-post office, bank and then I am off to the hair dresser.

I am finally home and it is 4:30 in the afternoon.  After the post office/bank and before the hair dresser I took Beth lunch.  With many, many boxes arriving today I figured she wouldn't have time to run out.

Mom and dad are arriving home from Myrtle Beach tonight which means that someone had to run to the grocery store.  That someone was me.  They have been on the road since 5am which means two very tired people.  Dad drives the whole way so he really doesn't want to run out when he gets home.  While I was doing their shopping I did some for us as well.  I ran our groceries home and then off to mom and dad's.  While there I watered the flowers and got the house ready for their return.  It is necessary to butter them up because I need dad to do some work in the store for me this week.  :)

Then it was off to the store to pick up my mail and while there Ms. Post Office came with a parcel.  More Christel Seyfarth kits.

The kits are now being packed in boxes with a plastic cover.  I had to take the plastic off for the picture because there was a bad glare.

This is the yarn for the Beach Rose Shawl.

The colours in the kit are beautiful.

There could be another kit in my future?!?

And it looks even better in a close up.

There were four other kits in the box
-Flower Power Coat
-Bird Jacket
-Large Poppy Shawl
-Bon Bon Shawl

Now I need to finish my list of chores (some are still from last Monday) including doing my GST.

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