Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, July 04, 2010


When I bought my iPad I bought the keyboard dock to go with it. I hadn't tried it yet but pulled it out this morning. Great. It is very easy to type on and if you are doing lots of typing it is nicer than typing directly on the iPad.

I have only a few small complaints about the iPad but my major one was sending emails when I am away from home. I use 'Mail' for my emails but messages won't send when I am using someone else's wifi. If I am staying at a hotel I need to log in to my webmail to reply to anyone. On the iPad, my webmail won't let me type messages. Some weird glitch that I have researched and other people have that problem. With the keyboard I can type in webmail. At least that problem is solved-the keyboard will be traveling with me.

Now if I can find out how to add pictures to a blog post while away I would be a very happy person. I have done research about this and at this time it isn't possible.

The fifth repeat of flowers are done. I was so tired by the end of the Nascar race that I couldn't see straight so the knitting had to stop for the night.

Beth is golfing today so the dogs and I are trying to keep cool in the house.  I have finished the work I need to do and it is time to pull out the knitting again.

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