Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fall Rowan

Yesterday Beth and I golfed in a fund raising tournament for Redeemer University College.  Our team won lowest score for Mixed Teams and Beth won for ladies longest drive.  It was a great day but boy was I tired when I got home.  We watched Big Brother and then off to bed.

At this point I am not sure who I want to win Big Brother.  Many of them are very annoying.  Why are you going on this show if you can't get along with other people?  Britney and Monet-can't we get rid of both of them this week? The Brigade?  Meow Meow-really?  That is the name you are giving yourself?

The fall Rowan arrived late yesterday afternoon.  Jane took all the yarn out of the boxes but I hadn't left instructions on where to put it.  I need to find room for it!!  Along with the two new yarns (Drift and Purelife Renew) there are new colours of
-Felted Tweed
-Felted Tweed Aran
-Felted Tweed Chunky
-Kidsilk Haze
-Big Wool
-Kid Classic
-Colourscape Chunky

Here is a garment from Rowan knit in Renew.  I like the feel of the yarn-it will be a decision which garment I want out of the new book.

Drift looks great.  Big thick wool in marled colours.  How can this be bad?

Rowan sent a sample sweater in Drift as well.  Sorry that I didn't get it on the mannequin properly. The batteries of my camera are dying and I wanted to get more pictures taken.

There are two new colours of Colourscape Chunky but they aren't on Rowan's website yet. Here is my favourite-there will definitely be something in this colour in my closet for the winter.

On my way to work this morning I watered the front plant.  It was looking so good that I had to get a picture.

iPad and iPhone users
Before going to Myrtle Beach I could send emails from my iPad if I was at home but not anywhere else with wifi. I called my internet provider and there was a long answer which I will translate-it will only work at home or in my store. What am I going to do?  It is the same on my phone and laptop. Well, I found the solution.  I now have a gmail account.  If you are having the same problem send me an email and I will tell you how to make it work.  Very simple solution.  Why didn't anyone tell me this before??

The battery for my computer is dying now as well.  I am going to hit publish and get some yarn put away.

1 comment:

  1. oooh! all of those yarns look lovely! And your plant does too!
