Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome Summer

I am outside writing on my iPad while barbecuing steaks. Summer!!

Before I could start dinner I had to run to the grocery store because Beth forgot potatoes. I got to the store and slapped myself in the forehead. Those darn bags. I forgot them again. Beth normally does the shopping and always forgets them and I laugh at her. She was laughing tonight.

I need your help. How do you get stains out of white t-shirts? I love to wear white but am a sloppy eater and always drop something on me. In NY Bev took a Tide To Go pen to one of my shirts. It made a mess and now the stain won't come out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Here is a sneak preview of Rowan 48.  The magazine is being launched on July 15 and we should have it the following week.

Sofia Wrap designed by Kaffe Fassett and knit in Kidsilk Aura.

Lidiya designed by Kaffe Fassett and knit in Felted Tweed.

I am going to keep the rest a secret for now.  I liked the pictures when I ordered my yarn and when I saw the garments in Columbus my excitement grew.


  1. I have the same problem with things being magnetically attracted to my white shirts! I use shout or some other spray on stain remover...and I have a lot of white shirts! ;)

  2. i read somewhere to use dishwashing powder in your laundry. I've tried and it did help.

    personally, I sometimes wish I was flat chested. I'd definately stay clean then.

  3. Shout usually does the trick for us.

  4. Sometimes if the top has poly in it, the stain is more permanent.. I use baking soda, make a paste, rub together on the wrong side and leave it for awhile - rinse with cool water- not cold... if your top is all cotton a little borax in the wash will help remove the stain.. I have used lemon juice on a white top stain- it came out- it might have been a stoke of luck... I have a natural stain remover stick- I'll send you one- it's actually a good one for your shop- it works well on wool stains too... hope that helps- Karen

  5. Thanks for all your comments. I will be trying these on my white t-shirt that is currently soaking in the bathroom sink.
