Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, June 13, 2010

News from the show

Okay, I am back to actually writing full posts from Columbus.  My first two days at the show were crazy.  Where do I start?

Offhand Designs.  The new bags and fabrics are great.  I placed an order and have been told that they should be here in September.

Larisa let me take some pictures of her booth.  This is the new Gatsby.

And the new Zhivago.

Rowan.  I really wish I could share the pictures of the new magazines with you.  Rowan 48 is amazing.

I passed by the Noni booth and her bags pulled me in.  I have patterns coming from spring and the new patterns for fall.  I absolutely love the Nomad bag.  Zippers have been ordered as well as silver handles.

Next to the Noni booth was the JUL booth.  JUL started out making shawl pins and purse handles in silver and has branched out.  Many shawl pins made it onto my order form.

I have this silver pin in my collection-absolutely beautiful.

One of many other shawl pins that we should have in a few weeks.

The Madelinetosh booth was swamped on my first walk through Saturday morning.  Later in the morning there was room to get in.  There are many new colours so I will be doing another order with them.

There are many more finds to talk about but I am going to save them for tomorrow's post.

Oh yeah, we found some time to go to Nordstroms this afternoon as well!!

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