Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Hello from NYC

It is Wednesday morning and we are waiting for the babies to arrive.

I am writing from my iPad but can't add pictures so there will be lots to see on Friday.

We got to our hotel on Monday afternoon and laid out the baby garments to make sure we had everything. For lunch we went to the Carnegie Deli. This is the deli in the Mirage (Vegas) where Beth and I always eat. Then back to the room to lay out the ladies garments. There was 26 garments to go through and make sure we had everything-scarves, shoes, earrings, necklaces... Of course we needed a few things so off to Macy's we went.  Bad idea.

Hold that thought because my iPad is being taken from me.  Jack, the photographer, is a tech freak and wants to play with it.  I am moving over to his mac (one of four in the studio) so that he can play bejewelled.

Macy's.  Holiday Monday.  Not where you want to be.  We found a few things we needed but I was begging to leave.  The shoe department looked like a tornado had hit.  There were shoes thrown everywhere.

Because of the big lunch we had neither Bev or I was hungry for dinner so we went and had cheesecake.  Can't really complain about that.

Yesterday.  Up at 6am.  Long, long day.  The pictures were being taken on the roof top.  June in New York is not when you want to be on the roof.  There was the threat of thunderstorms as well.  You could go upstairs by the fire escape or on a circular staircase (double the steps) inside the building.  I chose double the steps.  I went up and down those stairs no less than a hundred times and Bev did them at least five times more.

The babies are starting to arrive so I need to sign off.  I'm not sure if I can get back on the computer today so I am going to finish this and will post again tomorrow when I get home with pictures.

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