Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, May 28, 2010

Will I reach five?

My day has been more preparing for going away.  I was at the Spa at 9am to have the polish changed on my toes.  They do a much better job than I ever could.  Beth has been busy at work so I did a blog post for her.  Then I wrote two newsletters.  Sock News is going out right now and on Tuesday a newsletter is going out to Camp attendees.  More yarns have been rearranged in the store.  My original notes for Cathy and Jane took two pages but now I am up to four pages.  Something tells me that it will be five pages when I print it tomorrow.

Boheme #3 is done and I am about to cast on #4.  It is a great pattern to knit a quick store sample.  I could knit a swatch to show off the yarn but this is much cuter!!

The vest will be blocked tonight-hello Phil.  Sorry that the picture is terrible but the battery on my camera just died so I can't take any more.  Once it is blocked and the buttons are sewn on a much better picture will be taken.

After work I need to run to Limeridge Mall to pick up a few things for the trip-namely makeup.  Showing up not wearing makeup to help on a photo shoot isn't an option.

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