Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Scary Noises

The dogs are sitting underneath my feet shaking.  Both of them.  Melo is upset because fireworks are going off.  Roko is upset because he heard the camera.  The fireworks I can kind of understand but not the camera.

I snuck into the bathroom to try and take pictures of the shawl lying out without Roko hearing me.  Not enough light (light bulbs need to be changed and now that dad is home it can be done).  Unfortunately he heard me.

Now that the stitches are lying nice and flat I am very happy with the results.

It is just about time to start watching the finale of Celebrity Apprentice.  Not sure what they are going to do about Bret.  When they announced he was on the show I was sure that he would be a screw up but he ended up being great.  Rooting for him to win.

Tomorrow is a holiday in Canada-Victoria Day.  Beth is golfing (ladies tournament at her course), mom and dad are going to the garden centre and I am going to spend the day knitting, writing newsletters and catching up on TV shows that are taped.

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