Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Disaster area

My store is a complete disaster.  There are boxes everywhere filled with yarn to take to the Frolic.  Before the renovations I could hide some of them in the back room but now they must live in the front room.  We are trying something new this year.  Some yarns are being displayed in wood crates and I am packing them before we go.  They will be shrink wrapped Friday morning and hopefully this will save time when we get to Toronto.

I am also taking yarns from the baskets they live in so I can have the baskets for the show.  Now I need to find something else to put them in.  The store needs to be somewhat in order for Cathy when she works on Saturday.

After a few trips to Zellers my mannequins have new summer clothes.  Alfred Sung.  Very stylish.  When paying yesterday the lady taking my money (I'm not sure if I can call her a cashier or if there is a new name) commented that the shorts looked nice while looking at me a bit funny because they were a size 2.  I told her they were to dress my mannequins and she told me to dress them in rags-not these nice clothes.  I told her that it wasn't in my nature-it is important that they look nice.

Here is one that has been dressed.  As I mentioned before I am totally in love with this scarf so I am showing it again.  Jane is knitting a sample in bright pinks, purples and turquoises that could be ready for the Frolic.

I have ten more rows to knit on the front of my cardigan so I am going to watch hockey and baseball and knit.


  1. Working at Zellers she is probably an "Associate", which I don't feel is as nice as cashier. (mannequins have feelings anyway. Hasn't she seen the Old Navy comercials?)

  2. I'm with you. Dress those ladies nicely. Hockey and baseball in the same evening - that's the definition of a Canadian spring.
