Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday in Seattle

It is almost 8am and I am sitting in the conference room.

There are lots of pictures for this post-you know that I like that.

This is from the ferry looking at the buildings on the pier.

The Space Needle is in the distance.  On my last trip to Seattle everyone was pushing us to go to the top of the Space Needle.  We couldn't make them  understand that we were from the Toronto area and we have the CN Tower.

You could look in any direction from the ferry and see mountains.  They were all snow covered.

As we were approaching Bainbridge Island there were amazing, huge houses lining the beaches.

More awesome homes.

We got off the ferry and were told that it was a 3 block walk to the yarn shop-Churchmouse Yarns and Teas.  I am not sure what world these people are living in but it was a mile, not 3 blocks.  Oh yeah, and a mile up hill.  I stopped part way on my walk for a rest and looked in the window of a real estate office.  These houses on the beach are selling for $1.5 million to over $7 million.

Churchmouse wasn't open when I arrived so I walked around and browsed in other stores.  There was a fabric store that had two neat quilt patterns and fabric that I hadn't seen before called Tula Pink.  Of course I have these patterns and some fabric in my suitcase!!

Churchmouse was the neatest yarn shop I have ever been in.  It was absolutely beautiful.  If you ever get a chance to visit it, please do.

I am adding lots of pictures hoping that my mom will show dad the shelving.  There is talk about redoing the rest of the store and I love these!!

Lots of finished samples everywhere.  Churchmouse has written a series of patterns using one or two balls of yarns.  I will be ordering these patterns for the store when I get home.  In the top right of the picture is a poncho/scarf (called Mohair Bias Loop) knit in two balls of Rowan Kidsilk Haze.

I was very hungry but this point and stopped at the Streamliner Diner for lunch.  There were only eight tables in the place and the line up was out the door.  Great food!!!

It is now 8:13 and people are filing into the conference room.  The speaker is at the podium and I had better stop typing and listen.

We are going to learn about Open to Buy inventory.  Beth's comment this morning "Is that like the eye ball method that you are currently using?"

Then we are going to learn about Fearless Negotiating for Small Business Owners.  Some of my suppliers are not going to be happy with me after this.  :)

Mom and dad told me about the horrible rains at home over the last few days.  The basement in their house was flooded when dad checked yesterday morning.  The good news-the guest bedrooms will be redone.  Beth said that we had a touch of water in the basement of my house in the furnace room but none on the wood floor.  There are a few buckets in the store as well.  The winds were blowing so hard that the library had a few leaks.  There was no damage to books, just a bit of drywall will need to be replaced.

People are now reading over my shoulder.  HATE THAT.  Going to hit publish now.  Have a great day.

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