Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, March 26, 2010

Russell is King

Most days I start working on a post while in the store and then finish it off when I get home.  Yesterday I didn't even get a post started.
During the day I was busy placing orders and working on the newsletter. If you didn't get it you can download it. 'News from The Needle Emporium'
After work I ran and had my nails done.  Family wedding tomorrow which means nails, hair (early tomorrow morning), getting clothes to the dry cleaners, get a gift....

This morning I was almost late for work-this is really bad because we open at noon on Fridays.  Every other Friday we have the 'housekeeper helpers' come to our house.  I can't say 'cleaning ladies' because the company is owned by Steve and he usually is one of the people who comes to our house.  What I want to know is why I spent close to an hour cleaning the house before they arrived?  Unload and reload the dishwasher.  Make sure that the recycling is taken out to the garage.  Throwing all the clothes on Beth's floor into her closet (she forgot it was cleaning day).  Making her bed.  Folding the towels in my bathroom.  Putting away my makeup.  Putting away the computers that normally sit in the kitchen.  You get the point.  I guess we don't want them to think that we live like pigs.  :)

While in Seattle I visited Churchmouse Yarns on Bainbridge Island.  They have a line of patterns that use 1-3 skeins of yarn.  These patterns are in the mail to me and we should have them late next week.

The designs are great and the photography (by Jared Flood) is amazing.

This Ruffled Scarf takes two 50gram skeins of sock yarn-Shepherd Sock from Lorna's Laces will work great!!

This Linen Stitch Scarf takes three 50 gram skeins of sock yarn.  Wow, the colour possibilities are endless.

My computer needed to be plugged in for a bit so while it was charging I started putting together some colours.  I had a bag hidden away with 'one of a kind' colours in Shepherd Sock.  What a great way to use them.

Earlier today I unpacked an order from Lantern Moon.  There are always great things in their boxes.  This is the Repair Hook-available in rosewood or ebony.  The hook is only 3" long so it won't take up much room in your knitting bag.

Also in the box were shawl pins by Jim Knopf.  These are the Classic Shawl pins in gold, black and titanium.

Textured metal shawl pin.

I haven't talked about Survivor on Wednesday night.  Russell really is the best player ever.  Rob is close but I have to give the award to Russell.  Convincing Tyson to vote for Parvati was amazing!!!  Rob looked like his head was going to pop off at tribal council and is going to go ballistic back at camp trying to find out who flipped their vote.  Amazing!!


  1. That was the absolute best episode of Survivor I have seen in years...I was so surprised Russell pulled it off! And I love those shawl pins. I will definitely have to pick one up.

  2. I love the Linen stitch scarf. I'll have to pick that one up.

  3. I was wondering if I would be able to sign up for the newsletter - is it an email newsletter? You can add me to your list if you'd like, I'd love to receive it! :) my email is: laurenbeth at gmail dot com

    Thanks! :)

  4. Can you imagine Rob and Russell as a team?
    Scary ! ! ! !

  5. I can't believe Tyson was that stupid! I would love to see Rob and Russel team up!
