Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, February 08, 2010

This is going to be a week of finishing

I have been away from the computer for the past 2 days.  Saturday was crazy busy in the store-I'm not complaining-it makes the day go much quicker.  I came home, moved to the couch and knit.

I can't stop watching Grey's Anatomy.  No commercials makes it so much better.  It also helps when knitting because you don't have to put down your knitting to fast forward through commercials.

Sunday morning I woke with a migraine so spend some time in bed.  When I got up it was time to knit again.  The Super Bowl was okay.  I wanted Indy to win but the Saints winning doesn't upset me.  The game was fairly boring though.  I wish they had moved the ball up and down the field more.  What was with the commercials???  CTV over road the US feed and we saw the same 6 commercials over and over again.  We know that the Olympics is coming this week!!!!

The collar is done on my Debbie Bliss jacket.  I need to sew in the sleeves and done!

Rochdale is from Rowan 46 (the fall magazine) and is knit in Big Wool. I started it and then it was set aside for a while.

When I finished the knitting on my Debbie Bliss jacket I pulled this out and finished all the knitting on it as well.  After I sew the shoulder seams I can pick up and do the collar.

Have you read the Yarn Harlot in the past few days?  The Knitting Olympics are back on.  For those of you who don't belong to Ravelry but want to compete, please go to her blog and sign up.  Rules are the same as four years ago.  you can't start before the opening ceremonies and you have to be finished by closing ceremonies.

I need to get moving.  There are lots of chores to be done today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,

    I did a mini survey at the store yesterday of who was going to win and got numbers of 24 for NO and 4 for the Colts.

    I had picked the Saints o n the strength that they had nothing to lose and nothing to live up to.

    LOVED the interception.

    Are the Olympics really starting this week?? Huh!!
