Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, February 12, 2010


Karen and Wannietta both voted for bright but I have decided to do boring.  Sorry, I shouldn't ask questions if I'm not going to listen to your answers.    There is method to my madness though.  I bought these great cowboy boots in Vegas in December but don't have a sweater to go with them.

Bracken is the colour.

The browns match great.  Add a red shirt underneath and then there is an outfit!!

The first skein is wound and ready for 9pm EST when I can cast on.

Here is a little surprise for you.  I just finished Ishbel in Noro Sekku.  I used colour 6.  Rhonda knit two samples for the store in sock yarn and I find them a bit small.  If you check out Ishbel on Ravelry some people added two more lace patterns to make it a bit bigger so I tried it.  Now I have a scarf that I like.

I still need to block the scarf.  Then the cast off edge won't roll and the lace will lie flat.

The pattern was easy to follow and now I am thinking about what colour/yarn to use next.

My TV guy was here today.  Rick got the box for the satellite dish moved from upstairs to the store.  Now I can change channels!!  Rick is a miracle worker.  Beth and I have been known to get a phone call from mom that the TV doesn't work.  The first question is what button did you press?  We make a phone call to Rick and he comes and gets everything fixed and working again.

1 comment:

  1. That colour turned out nice too. Love the Bracken too.
