Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, February 25, 2010


After blocking Ishbel I decided it was time to block my Clapotis.  I have been wearing the scarf but in my heart I knew that it needed a good blocking.

Here it is laying out in my bathroom on a piece of styrofoam.

I have pinned it down, slightly stretching it, with Knitters Pins (from Clover) and then a wet towel is placed over top.

This is the end that has been blocked.  The scarf is very long so I am blocking it in sections.

And the unblocked end.  It is hard to see in the picture but there is a big difference between blocked and unblocked.  The blocked lays nice and flat.

I was going to talk about the surprise shipments from yesterday and then a shipment arrived today that makes me very happy.

Yesterday-Tanis Fiber Arts-more Fiddlehead Mitten kits.

The mittens shown are knit in Aqua.



And then from one of my favourite companies-Offhand Designs.

This is Gatsby in Judy.  It will look very nice going home with me tonight.  :)

Gatsby in Carlotta.

Circular needle cases.

I really need to take a few home and get my circular needles in order.  They are currently in a box and that doesn't make it easy to find the size that I need.

The end is in sight for my Olympic knitting.  I am at the shaping for the top of sleeve two.  Hopefully I can get the shoulder seams and neck band done before I go home today.  Then I can block tonight and finish sewing tomorrow.  Since there isn't a lot of time I will pin out my sweater and use my steamer.

What a great day for Canadians at the Olympics yesterday.  Speedskating, short track and bobsleigh.  Our women were great!!  The hockey team didn't do too bad either.

Is anyone watching American Idol?  The past two nights have been awful.  Please pick better songs!!  Why so boring??


  1. Thanks for the blocking tips! Are there special pins for blocking?

  2. I use knitting pins from Clover (we have them in the store). Any straight pin should work but the knitting pins are a bit longer.
