Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Almost at the halfway point

It is a beautiful, sunny day out today and I took advantage of it to get some pictures of my knitting.

The back is done and the front is almost to the halfway point.

I spent last night knitting and watching TV.  The Olympics are a good reason to do nothing.  :)  After the coverage was over we watching four episodes of Grey's Anatomy.  Season two is almost finished.

Today is going to be a busy day.  Hopefully Beth comes upstairs to look after the converter so I can keep up a good knitting pace.  Olympics, Olympics, Olympics, (three different channels and if we need more coverage we can always try NBC) Nascar and more Olympics.  The Canadian hockey team needs a much better game than the last one if they are going to win.

1 comment:

  1. Came across your blog while randomly hitting next blog tab.

    Nice knitware Julie.
    BTW , Happy Olympics.Google reminds me everyday of vancouver 2010!
