Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, January 25, 2010

Productive Knitting Day

Yesterday was spent sitting on the couch knitting and watching football. I didn't even take time to change out of my pyjamas. The back of my jacket is done and I am at the armhole shaping on the first front.

My plan is to have this done before the Olympics start. The Olympics-that poses another problem. I will have to start something new for Ravelympics. The Yarn Harlot starting 'the Knitting Olympics' in 2006. You couldn't start your project until the opening ceremonies and it had to be finished by the closing ceremonies. Now we take part on Ravelry. You can join teams (I will be with Team Canada) and compete.

The football yesterday was great-the teams I wanted to win did. Now the problem will be the Super Bowl-who to root for. I like both teams but am leaning towards Indy.

Meet Chloe. I just had Madame Samm in buying yarn to make hair and we got talking about her dolls. Please check out her blog, Sew Dolls, who's next? There will be a drawing on Wednesday for Chloe.

Madame Samm had five dolls with her. They are absolutely beautiful. If you have a little girl and need a gift take a look at these.

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