Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jared Flood

Yes, this picture has been shown before but I have it here again for a good reason. Watch your email this afternoon for our latest newsletter.

I had every intention of writing a post last night but things got in the way.

The battery on my laptop has died which means it has to be plugged in at all times to work. This is a pain in the store-I don't want people tripping over the cord. I decided that I was going to get a laptop that will live in the store instead of carrying the other one back and forth. I went to Best Buy last night and bought a laptop. What a great day to go!! Included with the laptop was a free printer and two programs-one I was prepared to buy. It was also 'customer appreciation' day so they took $100 off my bill.

When I got home it was time for Hell's Kitchen. I got settled on the couch only to find out that it wasn't on. Not a problem-I started setting up my laptop while I was waiting for Big Brother. Thank goodness Jordan won!!! It seems that her family could really use the money.

The store still needs some work so I am going to continue straightening.

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