Saturday, September 19, 2009

Drop Collar Cable Jacket

Yesterday I showed a picture of my next project. I started knitting about 5pm last night and finished about 40 rows on the sleeve before going to bed at 11pm. I would have been happy to continue knitting but knew that I had to get up and go to work today.

Ravelry is a great research tool and I used it to look at this jacket. Many people said that it knit up bigger than the pattern said (suggesting to other knitters that they knit one size smaller than you think you need) so I started on a sleeve to see how much bigger.

The Luxury Tweed Chunky is nice to knit with - the angora in it makes it very soft but it isn't fluffy.

I received an email from Namaste yesterday that the red Hermosa bags should be leaving California this week which means I should have them the beginning of October.

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