Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Renovations Day 3

We ran into a small problem yesterday. This used to be the kitchen which meant taps and running water. The piping had to be cut out and dad thought we could just cap the pipes and cut off the excess. No we couldn't. This would mean no running water in the apartment. The plumbers spent all afternoon fixing the problem and when I left at 5 the hole in the floor was fixed as well.

Rob did a lot of mixing today. In this picture he is mixing the self leveling cement. Big problem here. We need water to mix the cement and the water is turned off so they can cut out the pipes. Dad made a few trips across the road to the gas station. People driving by must have looked at him weird-who walks across Wilson Street with buckets? The self leveling cement is a great invention. You pour it on the floor wet and watch it move to the low spots. When we get to the store in the morning it will be dry enough to walk on.

The drywall will be done tomorrow and the painters are starting tomorrow afternoon. The tile floor will be started on Thursday morning. All the new cabinets are made and are waiting in Beth's warehouse until Saturday.

Cathy, Sarah and I are going to be busy on Monday. You can't walk through the front of the store. There is 'stuff' everywhere.

I'm on my way upstairs to watch Y&R, Hell's Kitchen and Big Brother. Some knitting has been accomplished. The back is done on Rochdale and I have cast on the second front.

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