Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finished Garments

Two parcels arrived in the mail on Tuesday.

Wannietta sent the Candy Stripe Jacket-a Spud & Chloe pattern. Lisa and Michelle both tried it on today-I should have taken their pictures in it-it looked great on both of them.

I really need to learn to send buttons with the yarn because I really hate sewing them on.

Alice in Wonderland is from Tahki's newest Tweed Magazine.

I was going to run and get some new mannequin clothes after work but there was a small problem-a huge storm!! There was no way I was going to be running in and out of the truck in that rain.

After work Dad and Beth came to install my new TV. Right now the box for the satellite dish is upstairs so I have to run up when I want to change the channel. I know that we can get some gizmo that will let me do it from the store-been there, done that and it didn't work. Next week the box will be moved into the store.

This is what I will see when sitting at the table.

It's time for Big Brother so I am moving upstairs to the couch with my knitting. Rochdale (the last time I talked about this was weeks ago so if you forgot it is a jacket knit in Big Wool from Rowan 46) is moving along. One front and the back are done. I might make the armhole shaping on the second front tonight.

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