Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday in Columbus

Yesterday was very busy at the show. The highlight was meeting Jared Flood (Brooklyntweed). Jared has designed a pattern book for Classic Elite and was in their booth. We had time to talk and he would be interested in coming up to Canada and teaching at our retreat in 2010. Happy dance!!!

I spent a while in the Della Q booth ordering bags and needle cases. This is called the Straight Roll. It will hold 60 pairs of straight needles. There are three slots for each size (because we all have more than one pair of every size needle).

Annie Adams shawl pins and key chains were ordered as well. This is the new yarn ball key chain. What a great gift for a knitter in your life.

Other orders were placed as well including Blue Sky Alpacas and their new division called Spud and Chloe. Watch my Tweets and upcoming newsletters for more information on the yarn and patterns. This was definitely one of the most exciting booths at the show.

There are many knitting 'celebrities' walking around the show. It was great talking with
-Debbie Bliss
-Margery Winter
-Norah Gaughan
-Pam Allen
-Jane Slicer Smith
-Veronik Avery
-Jared Flood


  1. Jared Flood, really!!!! OMG! How cool would that be.

  2. You really shouldn't post pictures that show PINK!

    Glad you are having a good time!

  3. Aw! That's amazing. I would so much like to meet Veronik, Jared and Norah!

  4. Ummmm, can I book now for 2010?

  5. Heather
    I will make sure you are the first to know when I get things confirmed with Jared and the dates are set. :)
