Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Logging some computer time

I have the computer with me in the store today so that I can work on the website.

-Rowan Fine Milk Cotton is added to the site with quantities in stock

-Kauni-I have separated the yarns into ball sizes. Korey still needs to add the shade cards and then you will be able to see how much we have of each colour.

New Books
-Rowan Studio magazine #15

Now I am at home, dinner is done and the work has started. I'm jumping between laptops doing work for Beth and the store. I just jumped to the third laptop that isn't shown-Beth is playing poker and needed to run upstairs for a minute.

There should be a sock newsletter going out tomorrow. I have finished it and it just needs to be proof read. It is amazing how many spelling and grammatical errors I make-hopefully Beth catches them all.

This has been a day long post. The sock newsletter has gone out now.

We finished watching Idol-miffed that the show ran long again and we didn't get to hear the comments about Adam.

I am going to finish off now. Deadliest Catch is taped and waiting for us.

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