Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mom and dad returned home from Myrtle Beach last night. For the past few weeks I have had shipments from US suppliers sent to them to make sure that I had them in time for the Frolic. There were four boxes to open today. Lorna's Laces, KnitWhits, Moving Mud and Noni.

Noni's new pattern-Clematis Shopping Bag. This pattern is just for the bag and there is a separate pattern for the flowers. I love the photography of these patterns-bright happy colours.

A neat pattern for a laptop case. There is a pattern for the ribbed sweater as well. 

If you come in the store during the next week-sorry for the mess. My 'to take' lists keep growing and I started to fear that we wouldn't get it all in the trucks. Now that the yarn is boxed I am a bit more relaxed but won't be totally calm until Thursday when I pack my truck.

I am working on the price signs for the Frolic upstairs on my Mac.  The slingbox is on and I am flipping between two hockey games and the baseball game.

Why didn't they vote Coach off of Survivor last night?  Is it possible for a human being to be more annoying???  His stories are so unbelievable-it must have been hard for everyone to sit and listen to him and not laugh.

Hell's Kitchen-can we just get rid of Andrea?  And then Ben?

Beth is off to Vancouver tomorrow to meet with her new sales rep and will return on Wednesday.  The dogs are staying with mom and dad-they aren't used to being alone during the day and I can't take them to work with me.  All you would hear me saying is "ROKO NO!!"  It will be lonely but I have a lot of work to do.  Dad wants to start working on the renovations on Monday-what about the Frolic and finishing my taxes??

I'm going to knit now.  I don't think my cardigan will be done for the Frolic but I am going to try.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your warm welcome this afternoon. You have a lovely shop and I look forward to seeing you at the Frolic.
    Liz (the one who bought the Romi pin)
