Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, March 26, 2009

To do lists

My 'to do' lists for the Frolic have started. I want to make sure we have everything in stock and if not get my suppliers moving to get it here.
Today I made sock kits.

I'm not sure how everything is going to fit in the booth. Currently I have 14 sample garments that I want to take-this will have to be looked at. It's kind of like packing for a trip. You want to make sure you have everything-just in case.

A shipment arrived from Dream on Color late yesterday afternoon. Sock yarn wasn't in the box but we did receive Classy, Groovy and Baby. Included in the Classy were some of the new semi-solid colours. The purple is to die for. Unfortunately a few colours missed the shipment-including the few colours I am missing to make Tulip kits. The wonderful ladies at Dream in Color are shipping them out as we speak. This means I will be winding wool at night for the next few weeks. UGH!!

Is there anyone who can beat Adam on American Idol? He is so far better than anyone else. I think Lil and Danny are solid but Adam is the whole package.

Sorry no pictures today. The computer is at home so I am using my phone. There is a scheduled 'outage' tonight (a cool word for maintenance) and I don't know when it will me up and running again-don't want to miss todays post.

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