Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Chicago Knitting

I did get quite a bit of knitting done while away. OK-not this much knitting. I am working on a design out of Sirdar's Eco wool book 336 and using Silk Garden Lite. Sirdar doesn't have a picture of what I am doing on their website so I can't show you the finished project-this will make me knit quick to get it done and show you the finished project!! I knit one front while away and got some done on the second front.

Shirley just finished her Log Cabin Afghan and emailed me a picture. FABULOUS!! Shirley lives out of town and knits felted bags. I was sending her Kureyon regularly but she didn't tell me what it was for. When she asked for the Cascade 220 in black then I knew she was making the afghan and not bags.

Here is the room that we sit in for the workshops in Chicago. Many people brought their laptops but that would have been one more thing to lug around. I used my phone for emails. Luckily we had free WiFi in the conference room and there was an Apple Store just across the street from my hotel.

One thing the hotel didn't have was pay phones. Have you heard of anything so crazy?
Looking down Michigan Avenue. I should have taken the picture on Tuesday when it was sunny. Wednesday was a bit overcast and dreary.

1 comment:

  1. i've been to Chicago several times for conferences. it's not just your hotel that doesn't have payphones! they are so terribly difficult to find. And if you've EVER found one in chicago, it's almost a guarantee that the Phone won't actually function.

    i think the usa is almost finished with payphones: perhaps "everyone" has a cellphone now? ? ?
    i think that's their logic.
