Tuesday, February 03, 2009


What happened to our nice weather? Yesterday was beautiful and then I wake up this morning to more snow.

It is very pretty snow though.
When I got home from work tonight the snow in the driveway was over my ankles.

Since it was snowing today the store was slow. This gave me lots of time to start rearranging. Here is the start. I decided we needed to move all the cottons to prominent places in the store. The colours are happy-we all need happy after the long winter. This is the dyed cotton from Blue Sky Alpacas right when you walk in the front door. New colours arrived yesterday. More should be coming any day (along with new patterns)-Blue Sky sent two boxes but Canada Post only delivered one.

There are more pictures but I need to save them for later this week. I don't like doing a post without pictures and my new law of posting everyday is going to take some planning.

I don't think I will get any knitting done tonight. Canada Post and I are going to be busy getting parcels in the mail. I love the fact that I can do the postage online and just drop the parcels at the post office in the morning-no standing in line or at the counter while they weigh and measure every box.

Anyone watching American Idol? Now that they are in Hollywood we are getting the better singers.

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