Friday, January 09, 2009

Rowan magazine 45

Rowan magazine 45 will be launched at the end of next week. We should have them in the store any day after January 23. Here is a preview of the magazine.
There are great designs in Kid Silk Haze, Cotton DK, Summer Tweed and the new 4ply cotton-Sienna.

I thought I was done rearranging the store until some new yarns arrived today. We now have the new Lang yarns for spring. There are three great yarns and the new magazine. Zara-a superwash dk yarn from Italy-also arrived today.
Beth and I leave for Las Vegas next Friday morning. We spend the day in Vegas and then fly to San Diego on Saturday morning. I will be seeing new yarns and colours at the spring trade show. You never know what other fun things will be ordered. :) The show ends on Monday afternoon and we fly back to Vegas on Tuesday morning. My vacation officially begins and I will be having fun until Saturday morning when we fly back to cold, snowy Canada.

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