Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Knitter's Fair

We made it through the fair. The day was busy so if I missed you I am sorry. People said hi to me and then later in the day I couldn't remember talking with them.

Beth and I drove to Kitchener on Friday afternoon to set up and I was back in Ancaster around 11pm. The drive home was very slow because of fog. I was back on the road at 6:30 so I could get the booth finished before opening at 9:30. This year there were two halls used so the booths could be spread out a little more. It was great. WIDE aisles so you didn't feel crowded at all. The show ended at 4:30 and we loaded the vehicles in the pouring rain. We were soaked to the bone for the drive home. Thank goodness none of us ended up sick.

I didn't get any pictures of the booth. We were busy right up until closing. Here are some of the garments that my knitters finished for the Fair.

Brooke's lace shawl. I thought it was stunning when I saw the pattern picture but it is incredible in real life. I am sorry that I didn't get a picture of Jane wearing this-it looked like it was made for her. Wannietta did an amazing job. She was a couple of yards short for finishing the collar so she sat in a corner at the fair and finished it for me.

Jeanie knit in Rowan Cocoon from the new Rowan Cocoon magazine. Rhonda ran short of yarn for the collar and sat in the store to finish it on Friday night for me. I know that she didn't get a finished picture of it but I will get her a better one at Gone Stitchin' with it on a human body.

Lynda delivered this to Kitchener on Saturday afternoon. I have been talking about Edie that I am knitting-here is the store sample. (I have picked up and started my first sleeve-the end is in sight.)

In my last post I talked about a fabulous afghan knit out of Noro Kureyon. Here is square one of my afghan. Beth has decided that it will look good in her bedroom when it is finished.

1 comment:

  1. I think those pics turned out great. I might just borrow it for Ravelry.
