The tent sale went well but we are all tired. I came to the store today to find many, many boxes of things to unpack.
The new patterns from KnitWhits just arrived. I showed Edie earlier in the week. I just started the armhole shaping. Edie takes 2-4 balls of Noro Kureyon and 2-3 balls of Kureyon Sock. There are five sizes available on the pattern.
This is Raffaela-knit out of Silk Garden. There are five sizes available on the pattern and the jacket takes 9-13 balls.
Fall Berroco has arrived. You can preview the magazines and yarns on the Berroco website.
I'm leaving for home soon and hopefully a good night sleep. Have a good weekend!!
Tent sale was wonderful, hot, amazing, hot, fun, hot terrific yarns, hot, wonderful people, hot, fun and hot. And the temperature was a little warm too, but if you didn't go this year SHAME ON YOU.