Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


The Prism sock yarn, Saki, is absolutely beautiful. I am very close to winding a skein and knitting a pair of socks!!! Wannietta and Rhonda have now fallen off their chairs.

I am working on both sleeves of my Hip to be Square jacket-maybe this weekend.

It is finally sweater weather in Southern Ontario. There were snowflakes flying around this morning.

I didn't make it to the guild meeting last night-can't wait to hear how Maureen Mason-Jamieson was. Fiona Ellis is going to be at the next meeting.

This is very short and to the point. I have some surprise knitting happening right now and want to get it done.


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    A SOCK!!!

    We missed you last night.

  2. I think I did just fall off my chair! We had a great meeting, sorry you missed it. I'll see you probably, Friday!

  3. I also have never knit a pair of socks and may have to with all the tempting colourful sock yarns available now!

  4. What have you done with the real Julie?!?
    Would you use 5 dpn, Magic Loop or 2 circulars? Hypothetically.

  5. hey, hey! we had snow here in Montreal today too.
